Zip Lock Bag

Size: 100pcs / pkt
Dimensions: 1.5″ x 2″, 2.5″ x 3.5″, 2″ x 3″, 3.5″ x 4.5″, 3″ x 4″, 3″ x 5″, 4.5″ x 6.5″, 4″x6″, 5″ x 8″ , 6″ x9″, 7″ x 10″, 7″ x 8″, 8″ x 12″, 8″ x 8″, 9″ x 14″, 10.5″ x 11″, 10″ x 16″, 13″ x16″, 15″ x20″

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